Well, the whirlwind of TNNA left us dizzy and excited about what's new for you!! We came. We saw. We conquered. The consensus was this: No More Boring Yarns!
Trendsetter, always a GBOY favorite, had the coolest, newest stuff that will dazzle you. Here's a picture of Barry and me. He allowed us to have fun in his booth trying on his new designs like this hot little number worked up in Kashmir (oh so soft!) and Harley, a yarn that featured dangling chains. Very cool!
Audria looked smashing in this elegant and fun sweater, which too, was trimmed in swirls of Harley. Really innovative! Trendsetter has always led the industry into the future with new novelties. While the other companies tend to duplicate their efforts, Barry is always one step ahead, developing new ideas for us to enjoy!