Highlights? All that glitters is gold--For Real! Laura Bryant and Barry Klein continue to dazzle us with Fashion and Glitz. While the rest of the nation enjoys the green line, one must remember that South Floridians love shiny, glitz and bling. High Fashion is FUN and glitz is IN--Just cruise down to 305 and you'll see what I mean. At TNNA we noticed see a resurgence in metallics and texture. Not so much eyelash but color color color and by that we mean reds and jewel tones. Laura, LOVED the innovative wrap. Can't wait to have it in Palm Beach!
Lace is popular, but let's face it. Unless you have a miner's cap and a magnifying glass, it's a challenge. The designs were beautiful and our lace pick was from Kaalund Yarns from Australia, who featured an extra-fine hand-dyed silk. Loved it and ordered it. Stephi, thank me later.
Nora Bellows from NONI is distributing her patterns again. Good news. This kid is FRESH. Loved her attention to detail and her bright yellow felted couture bag. Dior would be jealous. Excellent structure and a keen sense of design. By the way, the felted girls' jacket--adorable and the yarn you use Nora is so much softer than before. Glad you'll join us for a workshop this winter in Palm Beach, Stuart and Boca. You win the fresh peach award. Love to see a young, stylish, creative pacesetter in the industry!